Sacred Health

Sacred Health is a sacred container like the womb. It is your journey of self-realization, to your path of self-empowerment, and your path toward freedom.

Sacred Health acknowledges the nurturance of your basic primal needs (love, care, attention, support, trust, belonging). These needs when neglected, will remain unrooted and tangled as the source of confusion. As a result, unconscious patterning of oppression, relational conflicts, addictions, and abuse may be present throughout one’s life experiences.

Sacred Health sessions, support you to move slowly through core root healing by first re-establishing safety within your body, then gently introducing therapeutic tools and techniques designed to expand your capacity to be with what is, thus beginning the balanced, regulated flow between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems and remembrance of your true nature.

Sacred Health is a composition of processes using trauma informed bodywork, TRE, yoga, meditation, Brainspotting, spiritual counselling, sound healing and basic principles of Ayurveda designed to support you in transforming your life in alignment with your highest aspirations.

Sacred Health is a form of healing that considers a woman as a complete being, treating women’s body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

With Sacred Health I offer a holistic approach that empowers women and supports their creativity to become their best and wisest selves.





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©The Jewel Within Yoga

Website by Blissness Agency